Seniors’ Thanksgiving Dinner 2023

About 150 people attended our annual seniors’ Thanksgiving dinner held in the cafeteria of St. Timothy School on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 19.

Around 150 people attended

The event was once again a joint effort by the St. Timothy Council and Father Cilinski Council of the Knights of Columbus from St. Timothy and St. Andrew parishes.

We prepared seating for 168 people and most seats were filled.

Making to-go boxes

In addition, 50 to-go boxes were delivered to the Forest Glen senior citizens housing complex in Sully Station Bill and Melanie Cormier and brother Knight Chris Bethany,
Bill estimates they could have served another twenty meals.
Bob Venafro delivered four to-go boxes to two home-bound residents.
And we also made five to-go boxes for side-door pickup.
The total number of meals served was about 205.
We had an abundance of donated cooked turkeys and an enormous number of donated pies.

Cutting turkey

Brother Knight Steve Powers solicited four $25 gift cards to Great American Restaurants as part of the free raffle we hold every year as part of the dinner.

The raffle also included 15 beautiful, dried flower centerpieces that were donated by our brother Knights at St. Andrews.
PGK Mark Zahuranec, our lead chef, led us in grace before the meal.
The side dishes were outstanding.
We love holding this event because it brings together the oldest members of our parish and older brother Knights who we don’t see very often.

Slicing pies

The kicker is that the turkeys’ carcasses are boiled after dinner and the turkey stock is an integral ingredient in the Brunswick Stew that we sell outside church on Superbowl Sunday. The income from Brunswick Stew more than pays for the cost of the seniors’ dinner.