by Brian Tumulty Knights of ColumbusST. TIMOTHYCOUNCIL NO. 7369CENTREVILLE/CHANTILLY, VAAdopted February 12, 1992Page 1 of8BY-LAWSARTICLE ISection 1. This Council shall be known as ST. TIMOTHY COUNCIL NO. 7369, Knights ofColumbus.Section 2. The initiation fee shall be 15.00 except that for applicants under 26 years of age itshall not exceed 10.00…
Local Knights insurance
The Knights of Columbus insurance agent for the St. Timothy Council is Bill Lupinacci based in Oakton at 2911 Hunter Mill Road, Suite 205. Bill can be reached by email at or on his cell phone at 703-624-9687.
Budget vote July 7
by Brian Tumulty The new council budget will be presented under new business during our July 7 business meeting. This is your opportunity to weigh in on our spending priorities for the new fraternal year and acquaint yourself with our many charitable works. Perhaps you will be interested in participating…
Budget Reminder
by David Wendell As we head into the end of the year, I just wanted to remind everyone of the approved budget — we are going to be expending these funds as Church starts to open up. Things approved in the budget are not subject to debate – FYI. V/R…
Thank you from Bruce Higgins
by David Wendell Bruce Higgins Jr 3:21 PM (3 hours ago) to me Hi CJ, I want to personally Thank You and all of the Knights of Columbus St. Timothy Council for the kind financial donation. Your gesture has helped reinforce for me just how good our God is and…
March for Life Update
by David Wendell As was mentioned earlier today during the Mid-year meeting that the March for Life 2021 is going to be virtual. The march will still happen with roughly 50 pro-life leaders from around the country will participate. At this time we still need marshals to help with this…
Special Olympics Ambassador Addressing the VA State Council
by David Wendell Youtube link: Downloadable file:
Thank you message from SVDP
by David Wendell As we close out the turbulent year of 2020, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry would like to express our deep gratitude for the unwavering support of the Knights of Columbus. Despite all the challenges presented this year, the Knights have continued their dedication…
The Awnings are Up!
by David Wendell Big shout out to Jason Hepler and his support team for putting the Awnings up this past labor day. Jason, Simon, Mark W., Mark Z, and Paul Whalen did a great job. Thanks for taking your holiday to get this done!