Business Meeting Minutes Jun/2024

Minutes of the KoC 7369 Council.

April 2nd, 2024 @ 1944 hours – New Parish Hall, St. Timothy’s.

Called to order by: Anthony Estrada

Time adjourned: 2045 hours.

Roll call of officers:

Grand Knight: Anthony Estrada – Present

Chaplain: Father Christopher Hayes – Excused

Chancellor: Mark Jaworowski – Present

Recorder: Dominic Schaad – Present

Financial Secretary: Bill Cormier – Present

Treasurer: Peter Grau – Excused

Advocate: Austin Lazo – Absent

Warden: Patrick Hill – Present

Inside Guard: Mike DePorter – Present

Outside Guard 1: Patrick Meere – Excused

Outside Guard 2: Richard Stec – Absent

1 Year Trustee: Dennis Stone – Excused

2 Year Trustee: Brian Tumulty – Excused

3 Year Trustee: Mark Zahuranec – Present

Past Grand Knight: Mark Zahuranec – Present

Lector: Mark Searle – Present


CHAPLAIN’S REPORT: N/A; Father Hayes stamp of approval.

GRAND KNIGHT’S REPORT: Retrospective on the past year. Believes that things will be good going forward.


FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT: Only 82 people had paid for their dues. In good financial health

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: 2 online members, one of which joined in the ceremony held immediately prior to this meeting.


VOCATIONS – Two new priests ordained this past weekend. 11-12 shaping up to be ordained next year. Mass of Candidacy to be held on August 10th at Saint Ambrose.



PRO-LIFE – Very successful Baby Bottle drive was had.

OLD BUSINESS: Minutes from May were accepted. Bill motioned, Mark S. seconded.

NEW BUSINESS: List of New Officers – Victor Karl (Grand Knight)

Vacant (Deputy Grand Knight)

Deferred to next meeting (Advocate) – unanimous motion

Tom Yehl (3-Year Trustee)

Patrick Hill (Warden)

Grand Knight Delegate (Victor Karl)

Past Grand Knight Delegate (Anthony Estrada)

Alternate Grand Knight Delegate: (Bill Cormier)

Alternate Past Grand Knight Delegate: Vacant

Note made by Tom Yale of the lack of email reception, and of the absence of the two weeks’ notice typically required for budgetary discussion.

Budget and calendar decision delayed until after Thursday’s planning meeting.

Mark Z. proposed idea about fundraising to purchase new chairs for the Adoration chapel, asked for prayers and meditation on the issue. Possibility of replacement with pews also raised.

DISTRICT DEPUTY’S REPORT: Shared news about repeating another year in the position. Reminisces about the past of the Council. Importance of forms mentioned.

LECTOR’S REPORT: The Liturgy of the Table – importance of the dinner table in the religious sphere.


Sister of Knight undergoing cancer, prayers requested.

Wife of Knight in the hospital, prayers requested.

Aunt of Knight passed away, prayers requested.

Higher ranked Knight going into prostate surgery, prayers requested.

Wife of Knight bite by brown recluse, prayers requested.

Designer boss of Knight undergoing breast cancer surgery, prayers requested.

Good couple undergoing heart and cancer troubles, prayers requested.

Niece of Knight passed away due to brain cancer, prayers requested.

Father-in-law of Knight anticipating only 2 weeks-2 months to live. Prayers requested.

Letters of gratitude from Dominican Sisters and others.

Closing prayer said