June minutes

Minutes of June 6, 2023
New parish hall
I. The meeting was gaveled to order by Grand Knight Mark Zahuranec at 7:30 pm.
II. The Warden vouched that all present were current members.
III. The opening prayer was recited.
IV. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
V. Acting Recorder Brian Tumulty conducted the roll call of officers and reported the following:
(P)resent | (A)bsent | (E)xcused | (V)acant
Grand Knight – Mark Zahuranec P Chaplain – Charles Pavlick P
Deputy Grand Knight – Anthony Estrada P Chancellor – Vacant V
Recorder – Vacant V Financial Secretary – Bill Cormier P
Treasurer – Peter Grau E Lecturer – Vacant V
Advocate – Michael Lynch A Warden – Charles Hawk A
Inside Guard – Michael De Porter P Outside Guard – Eric Latcheran E
1 Year Trustee – William Cormier P 2 Year Trustee – Dennis Stone P
3 Year Trustee – Brian Tumulty P Past Grand Knight – Brian Tumulty P
Present: 9 – Absent: 2 – Excused: 2 – Vacant Positions: 3
The Grand Knight welcomed the following guests to the meeting:
District Warden – Bill Cormier
The Grand Knight advised that he had appointed the following acting officers for the meeting:
Acting Recorder – Brian Tumulty
1. prayer – The council recited the Rosary before the start of the official business meeting.
Father Pavlick said he’s had a wonderful time as the chaplain.
VII. The minutes of the May 2, 2023 meeting were approved as posted on the Council Website.
1. report – Grand Knight Mark Zahuranec said it’s been an incredible year, including the 44 dozen donuts last Sunday.
It’s been a great year. He focused on kindness, gentleness, and lovingness.
Bill has stepped in as the new financial secretary.
Anthony and Jason, who he called Deacon Junior.
I am pleased that Mark, Dominic, and others are stepping up.
Mark said that coffee and donuts were previously not his kind of event, but over the past year, he now sees the benefit of
doing it for the parish every month. Consistency is a big deal.
Ready to step back as the council’s chef in the new fraternal year.
We are in great hands with Tony as our new grand knight.
We will have a dinner with every monthly business meeting. The two Patricks — Hill and Meere — will help.
1. June 3 status – Total FY income to date $64,381.72
Total FY expenses to date $50,080.60
Net Income to date $14,301.12
2. May report – Operating account beginning balance $23,492.33 on 5/1/2023

CHECKS and payments:
03/07/2023 check #1721 Irene Alexander $200.00
05/02/2023 check #1730 Mark Zahuranec 2006 Parish Breakfast and Lenten meal $1,408.50
05/02/2023 check #1728 American Heritage Girls – Donation $500.00
05/02/2023 check #1727 Brian Tumulty 2001 Coffee and Donuts $456.04
05/12/2023 check #1731 Bill Cormier reimbursement for using personal checks to pay budget line 2016 Father Bader
scholarship and budget line 7017 VA State Charities $1,100.00
05/20/2023 check #1732 Brian Tumulty 2001 Coffee & Donuts $448.88
05/20/2023 check #1734 Anthony Estrada 1001 Warden refreshments for Exemplification $316.73
Deposits and Credits – 3 items
05/05/2023 Deposit $311.65
05/08/2023 Deposit $475.00
05/22/2023 Deposit $831.00
Total Deposits and Credits $1,617.65
Uncleared check
05/02/2023 check #1729 Steve Powers 3011 Dominican Nuns $255.08
Operating account register balance as of 05/31/2023 $20,424.75

Account Balance
Operating account (checking) $20,673.83
Merchant device income $17,698.61
Scholarship fund $8,062.83
General Fund $10,586.24
TOTAL $57,020.51
1. Letters and communications – The Dominican nuns sent a thank you note from their monastery in Linden.
Steve Powers has taken on this monthly ministry
Powers assumed the full cost of the last delivery because we exceeded our budget.
Ray and Kim Kenna donated 30 pounds of fish this month.
Mark noted the church is made of the whole body and everybody has a special talent and gift.

1. Audit – Bill Cormier said we have received a warning from the state threatening to put us on probation because we did
not submit an audit for the first six months of the fraternal year. He is working on filling in the gaps that would allow us to
submit an audit.
2. Financial secretary – Bill Cormier is working on dues.
He sent out 97 individual emails and has gotten 27 responses so far. He is trying to follow the Supreme process. There are
76 members left for us to do.
He is also processing people who have asked to withdraw.
Ted Moriak, who has done our retention work in the past, is in Florida.
Overall, Bill thinks we are in decent shape.
We need to discuss dues soon because our per capita payments to the state and federal are going up. We might consider
making our annual dues $40.

1. report – Past Grand Knight and regional District Deputy Tom Yehl said the bishop recently ordained nine seminarians,
including one at the North American College in Rome and eight at Holy Trinity in Gainesville.
There will be two next year and eleven the following year.

1. Pro-Life – Dick Wadden said we are in the ballpark of $20,000 in collections from the baby bottles for the Paul Stefan

1. election of officers – Grand Knight Mark Zahuranec invited to the podium Trustee Brian Tumulty, as the chairman of the nominating committee, to conduct the election of officers for the 2023-2024 fraternal year that begins July 1.
Tumulty said the committee has nominated Deputy Grand Knight Anthony Estrada to serve as the grand knight. He asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. As a result, Tumulty announced the vote was unanimous.
Tumulty said the committee did not find a candidate for deputy grand knight. He asked three times if there were any nominations from the floor. There were none.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce that Peter Grau has agreed to serve a second year as treasurer.
Tumulty asked three times if there were any other nominations.
There were none. Tumulty announced that the vote was unanimous.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Patrick Hill to serve as warden. He asked three
times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a unanimous vote for Hill.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Dominic Schaad to serve as recording secretary.
He asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a unanimous vote for
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Austin Lazo to serve as advocate. He asked three
times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a unanimous vote for Lazo.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Mark Searle to serve as lecturer. Regional deputy
Tom Yehl said the position of lecturer is not an elected position and that the new grand knight can simply appoint Searle
to the position in July.
As a result, there was no vote on the position of lecturer.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Mark Zahuranec to serve as the three-year
trustee. He asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a unanimous
vote for Zahuranec.
Tumulty then noted that the other two trustees will continue to serve their current terms and are not subject to election
this year. Tumulty has two years remaining in his term and Dennis Stone has one more year.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Michael DePorter to serve another term as the
inside guard. He asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a
unanimous vote for DePorter.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Eric Latcheran to serve another term as an
outside guard. He asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a
unanimous vote for Latcheran.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Patrick Meere to serve as an outside guard. He
asked three times if there were any other nominations. There were none. Tumulty announced a unanimous vote for Meere.
Tumulty said the committee was pleased to announce the nomination of Richard Stec to serve as an outside guard. He said
there would be no vote at this meeting because Stec’s transfer from St. Andrew’s council has not yet been made official.
A brother Knight then reminded Tumulty that the election should include two delegates to our next state convention.
Anthony Estrada was nominated to serve as Gand Knight delegate. The vote was unanimous.
Jesus Cota was nominated to serve as a Past Grand Knight delegate. The vote was unanimous.
Bill Cormier was nominated to serve as the Grand Knight’s alternate delegate. The vote was unanimous.
Dennis Stone was nominated to serve as Past Grand Knight alternate delegate. The vote was unanimous.
Additional candidates for any office can be elected during the coming fraternal year. To be a candidate, a brother Knight
must be a third-degree member in good standing who is current on his dues. For an election to occur, it must be first announced at a business meeting and then be held at a subsequent meeting.
The nominating committee consisted of trustees Brian Tumulty, Bill Cormier, and Dennis Stone.
Our new Financial Secretary, Bill Cormier, is serving temporarily in the non-elected position and was appointed by our
supreme national office. Bill recently replaced David Wendell, who has already moved to New Jersey.

Anthony Estrada will announce a proposed budget and calendar for the 2023-24 fraternal year that begins July 1 and a proposed calendar of events.
We expect our newly elected officer-designees to have an in-depth discussion of the budget and calendar at our monthly
planning meeting on Tuesday, June 20. All Knights are invited to attend.

1. Fr Sonny – Mark said the council will provide the food for Father Sunny’s luncheon.
Brian Tumulty made a motion to use the $500 in unspent money for clergy appreciation for Father Sunny’s luncheon. It passed 7 to 5.
Bill Cormier made a motion to add $1,000 to the budget for Father Sunny’s luncheon to be voted on at the July business meeting. It was unanimously agreed to be put to a vote in July.
2. next meeting – Grand Knight-elect Anthony Estrada proposed that the first business meeting in July be on the 11th.
Our regular business meeting is the first Tuesday of the month, which is the Fourth of July holiday this year.
The new date was approved.
3. calendar – Grand Knight-elect Anthony Estrada presented his proposed calendar.
Numerous revisions were suggested and will be discussed at the June planning meeting.
The revised calendar will be emailed to members before the July 11 business meeting and voted on at that time.
4. budget – Grand Knight-elect Anthony Estrada presented his proposed budget.
Some revisions were suggested and will be discussed at the June planning meeting.
The proposed budget will be emailed to members before the July 11 business meeting when a vote is expected.

1. report – Anthony Estrada said the Acts of the Apostles Assembly recently held an election for new officers. The new
Faithful Navigator will be Anthony Paulson of St. Andrew’s Parish.

1. report – Bill Cormier read a report by District Deputy Rupert Harmon.
Rupert stated that there are many things to look forward to in the coming fraternal year.
He congratulated Anthony Estrada for his election as the new grand knight at St. Timothy.

The Grand Knight asked if any brother present knew of a member of the council, or an unassisted brother of the Order, sick or in
distress. No names were put forward.
The Grand Knight turned the conduct of the meeting over to the Worthy Lecturer for the enjoyment, edification, and instruction of
all present.
1. report – Dennis Stone noted that this is the 79th anniversary of D-Day.
Prayers are requested for Mike Lynch
Patrick Hill also requested prayers for Missy.
Mark Z said he was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease.
The Grand Knight reassumed the conduct of the meeting.
XX. The closing prayer was said by all.
XXI. Grand Knight Mark Zahuranec declared the meeting adjourned at 9:24 pm.

Minutes recorded by Acting Recorder Brian Tumulty.